삼은 중국에서 가장 유명한 고대 위서인 신농본초에 "오랜동안 먹어도 독이 없고 효과가 가장 뛰어난 약재로 상약(上藥)중의 상약(上藥)이다라고 기록되어 있다. 또한, 우리나라의 대표적인 의서 동의보감에는 불망구복이라하여 잊지말고 오래토록 복용 하면 좋다라고 기록되어 있다. 본래 홍삼이란 수삼을 껍질채 찌고 건조시켜 수분함량 14%가 이하가 되도록 가공한 것 인데 제조과정 중에 갈색화 반응이 일어나면서 붉은빛의 색상을 띄게되어 홍삼이라고 불리웠다고 한다.
Ginseng is recorded as "the best medicine of all for showing no toxicity but the most outstanding effect even after the long-time intake "in Shinbongnogcho which is one of the most notable ancient medical book in China. Furthemore, ginseng is also recorded as Bulmangkubok, meaning that it is good to consume ginseng consistently for a long time, in Donguibogam which is one of Korea's representative medical books. It is said that red ginseng is originally what ginseng is processed to have moisture less than 14% by steaming and drying fresh ginseng with peels unremoved but then browning happens during the manufacturing process and it tums the color of ginseng into a reddish color and people start to call ginseng in this state red ginseng. 据中国最著名的古代医书《神农本草》中记载,人参是“长期食用无毒,功效最佳的药材,堪称上药中的上药”。另外,韩国代表性医书《东医宝鉴》中也记载,“不要忘记长期服用为佳”。红参原指将水参连皮蒸熟烘干,使水分含量低于14%的加工产物,但在生产过程中出现褐色反应,使其呈现红色,因此被叫做红参。 人参は、中国で最も有名な古代医書である新農本草に「長く食べても毒がなく、効果が最も優れた薬剤で、上薬中の上薬である」と記録されている。また、韓国の代表的な医書である東医宝鑑には、不忘久服、すなわち、忘れずに長く服用するとよい旨が記されている。本来、紅参とは、水参を皮のまま蒸して乾燥させ、水分含量が14%以下になるよう加工したものであるが、製造過程中に褐色化反応が起こり赤くなるため、紅参と呼ばれ始めたとされている。
Red ginseng, especially, is great for students and workes suffering from serious fatigue, housewives, old people, and others and continuous intake of red ginseng helps control chronic fatigue as well as aging and also makes the skin smooth and enhances strength. 红参尤其适合近来被疲劳折磨的考生、上班族、家庭主妇、老年人等,坚持服用不仅能抑制慢性疲劳,还能抗衰老,使皮肤变得光滑富有活力。 紅参は、特に疲労に悩んでいる受験生や会社員、主婦、シニアなどによく、継続的に服用すると、慢性疲労はもちろん老化を抑制し、肌が滑らかになって活力が湧く。
Hangover is what every drinker concerns about. But there is a research showing a result that drinking alcohol with red ginseng allows the ingredients contained in red ginseng to perform alcoholysis more actively. 宿醉是让每一个喝酒的人都苦恼的难题。但据研究结果表明,喝酒时食用红参的话,红参中所含的成分会促进酒精的分解。 お酒を楽しむ人なら誰でも悩む二日酔い。しかし、紅参を服用してアルコールを摂取すると、紅参の中に含まれた独自成分がアルコールの分解を促進するという研究結果がある。
According to an experiment, more than 60% of adult males, suffering from erectile dysfunction, have experienced an improvement in their sexual function and expecially, its effect is twice Trazodone, an erectile dysfunction cure. It has also shown the fact that continuous intake of red ginseng increases the number of sperms and helps activate blood circulation which leads to an improvement in sexual function. 据实验结果显示,60%以上平时患有阳痿的成年男性的性功能得到了改善,尤其是其功效比阳痿治疗药物曲唑酮高2倍。另外,坚持服用红参的话,精子数量会增多,血液循环也变得顺畅,性功能会得到改善。 実験によると、普段EDを経験している成人男性の60%以上が性機能の改善に効果を感じた。特に、ED治療剤であるトラゾドンに比べて2倍の効能を見せた。また、継続して紅参を服用すると、精子の数が増え、血液の循環機能が改善することが分かった。
An insulin-like substance contained in red ginseng also supports the activity of insulin and also helps normalize the hormone-secreting function that is involved with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism so as to decrease blood glucose contents in diabetic patients and prevent symptoms that diabetic patients can easily exerience, such as hardening of the artenes. Furthemore, red ginseng contains adenosine and Pyro glutamic acid and thus is great in preventing hypertension. 红参中含有的胰岛素类似物质不仅能促进胰岛素的作用,还能干预糖质和脂肪质代谢的荷尔蒙分泌功能恢复正常,降低糖尿病患者的血糖量,提前预防糖尿病患者容易患上的动脉硬化等症状。另外,红参中还含有 腺苷和焦谷氨酸,帮助预防高血压。 紅参に含有されているインスリン類似物質は、インスリン作用を助けるだけでなく、糖質と脂肪の代謝に関与するホルモンの分泌機能を正常に整え、糖尿病患者の血糖量を下げ、糖尿病患者がかかりやすい動脈硬化などの症状を予防する効果がある。また、紅参にはアデノシンとピログルタミン酸が含まれており、高血圧の予防にもよい。
Long-time intake of red ginseng also enhances human body's resistance and immunity and therefore can fight various kinds of virus and shows anit-cancer effect as well. 长期服用红参能增强人体的抵抗力和免疫力,不仅能免受各种病毒的侵扰,还能发挥抗癌效果。 紅参を継続して服用すると、人体の抵抗力と免疫力を育み、各種ウイルスはもちろん、抗癌効果を発揮する。